Thursday, June 3, 2010

I did not send you this email

To: undisclosed recipients: ;
Sent: Thu, Jun 3, 2010 8:31 am
Subject: Terrifying Experience!!!

I'm writing this with tears in my eyes,my fam and I came down here to Wales,United
Kingdom for a short vacation unfortunately we were mugged at the park of the hotel
where we stayed all cash,credit card and cell were stolen off from us luckily for 
us we still have our passports with us.

We've been to the United State Embassy and the Police here in Wales but they're 
not helping issues at all but we're having problems settling the hotel bills and 
the hotel manager won't let us leave until we settle the bills,i'm freaked out at 
the moment...

I am freaking out because thousands of people got it from me with my signature.  I am so sorry but I am fine.  All my Google email was forwarded to a yahoo account and deleted from my account.  The yahoo account looked like my email address.  My Google password was also changed and the new default email account was that same yahoo account.  

This caused even more stress because I thought I would lose access to my Google Docs, my Blogger account and the Google Groups that I manage.

Oh, and my Facebook account is gone.  Like it never was.


  1. I got one. Figured it wasn't from you. Went to FB first to tell you and found no Michael Ring. What's the world coming to? I hope you get it all worked out soon.


  2. And I was just about to email you my credit card number! Thoug it did occur to me that it was unlike you to get tears in your eyes for this. In fact, you'd be more likely to get a kick out of being mugged in Wales; it would give you more to write about.
    It is weird that your facebook account is gone.

  3. Why do people steal Facebook accounts? My husbands was broken into once and hundreds of e-mails sent out inviting his friends to join all sorts of wierd and wonderful groups.

  4. Oh shoot! I sent you an email yesterday asking you to notarize something for me, I didn't realize your email account had been transferred and you weren't getting your email! Now I see why I haven't heard from you! Shoot, hope it all works out!

    And, I do need something notarized, LOL

  5. Fifth Annual Brooklyn Blogfest
    June 8th, 2010 at 7:30 PM
    Brooklyn Lyceum (Fourth Avenue and President Street in Park Slope)

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    Tuesday, June 8th, 2010
    Doors open at 7 PM
    Admission: $10 ($5 for students and seniors)

  6. Great Blog! :)

    Visit my blog >>

  7. Ouch, my cousin had his email hacked and a similar story went out. Sadly that side of the family is so distant no one knew if it was real or not at first. Everyone was like "don't call his parents to verify, they're old and it could really freak them out!" Did they fix the problem?

  8. Just after I posted this I was locked out of my Google account. I thought I was gonna never have access to my contacts or my blog again.

    Everybody should regularly back up their emails and ....

    If you are a blogger, you must set up a new account that has administrative access to you blog so if you ever get one account hijacked you can get you blog back

  9. There are a couple of versions of this email circulating right now. I've received one version and seen a different one that was sent to a yahoo group I'm on.

    It was my understanding that the Embassy is supposed to help in these situations.

    I guess it just means we all need to be aware.


You do not have to be nice!