Thursday, March 18, 2010

Look What The BQE Did!

My dad sent me a link to a cool website, full of old photos of NYC.  It is simply called Chronology of Styles in New York Architecture.  I really liked this photo.  It was taken in 1931.  Much has changed.  In the photo below (if you look hard) you can see that the subway went over the Brooklyn Bridge.  You might also notice the Lack of BQE and Promenade to the left of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Here are some modern views. It this you can see the large patch of green on the Brooklyn end of the Bridge.  That was were the subway used to turn around on its way back over the bridge, now it is a park.

The first from Amazing Jane's Flikr
and another from

Soon that world will undergo another great change.  Brooklyn Bridge Park is coming.  I can't wait.


  1. Looks like each piece of the park is big! How wonderful!

    I wish we could do something like that. Sigh…

  2. Interesting link over at NY Styles of Architecture. My father grew up in the city--

    I'll have to send him over there for a look.


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