Monday, December 6, 2010

Poo Transplants

One of the most recent advancements in transplantation involves the transferring of stool from one person's colon to another.  This seemingly barbaric practice has been shown to help patients recover from  a form of colitis caused by the bacteria Clostridium difficile.  After the collation and processing of the donated stool, the feces are placed into the patent's small intestine via an endoscopic tube.  Typically used as a last resort, this treatment seeks to correct the colon's bacterial imbalance by repopulation the gut with billions of beneficial bacteria from a healthy volunteer.   The future of stool transplantation without long waiting lists appears promising, owing to the limited number of willing recipients an the potentially endless supply of donors.
This is real, read this, this and this

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You do not have to be nice!

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