On the way to Rock Center we passed the offices of Fox News. My Proper Park Slope Youth could not contain themselves at the sight of Bill O'Relly. Fox News Security actually had to get them to stop banging on the glass.
I am so proud.
and yes, I know. The boys have their jackets on backwards. They are boys.

We got to Democracy Plaza and could see they were ready to present the news. This afternoon it was still a tie.
Those banners will rise. The first one to 270 wins.
When I started typing the score was 000 - 000. Now it is a win for the United States.
But Democracy Plaza was not really about politics, it was about the MS in MSNBC. Microsoft. It was really a place to show off the new Windows 8 Products.

The most fun they had was having characters made of them selves with the candidates.
A few interesting things about these drawings.
First they were done on a touch screen computer. No pencils, no paper. (see below) They had to be emailed to me. Once I received the email I was unable to download the images to my Picissa account. (Hmmm.. Microsoft does not play well with Google.)
The artist was really cool. Sarah Dahl of Dahl/Yang . My kids kept asking her who she wanted for President. She said that she had no opinion. I said of course you do, but you are not allowed to tell us while working. I got a smile.
I often play a game with strangers. When I am out with my kids and at least 2 of their friends, we play "Can you pick out the twins?" Sarah Dahl was the first person to get it right. Right away. She was looking quite closely at these kids.
hey there...thanks for the follow ;) so glad to hear that you got a run in last Sunday...i know the disappointment must have been very great...but you posted a very positive attitude toward it! looking forward to reading and learning more about you!