Sunday, August 4, 2024

Some signs

 In the past month I managed to take some random pictures of some weird signs. Here they are in no particular order.

Last week I spent 3 days in St Louis. If you want to see really nice pictures of The Arch or Bush Stadium google will show you some really great ones. Instead here's a picture I took with the airport
in a quiet hallway in the airport there was this little booth set up ready to have someone participate in their first amendment rights. It looks like St Louis Airport was afraid people would overreact to First Amendment so they put everyone in a little box and warn people that someone might speak to them.

The sign reads
The airport authority advises that you may be approached by person seeking money donations or petition signatures or distributing literature. 
The courts uphold such activities based on the constitutional right to freedom of speech. 
The airport authority in no way endorses these activities."

also, and equally disturbing every restroom in the airport also has a sign saying that it was a Tornado shelter.  I was in St Louis for a GBS thing. I was interviewed by a drug company and I got to go to a regional conference. But I did get there a day early and I went for a run and I took some horrible pictures of the arch and of the Mississippi River. Again if you're looking for interesting photographs go to Google. But I will point out that it was very weird to be running around St Louis at 9:30 on a Friday morning and not seeing anyone at all walking around. There were office buildings that seem to be completely unused, Or maybe they just had an underground parking lot. There are four bridges that crossed the Mississippi and I ran over the only one that had a pedestrian path. I only encountered two other people. Someone else who was running back and forth and someone who was sleeping on the bridge. 
St Louis with so shut down that at 9:00 a.m. on a Friday morning the only street food vendor that was
there wasn't even open yet but I wasn't sure I was ready for a hamburger a hot dog and egg roll or crab rangoon. I'll have to find out if Crab Rangoon is a specialty of St Louis or something the family that owns the hot dog stand was really into. i just need to add before I publish this that I ordered grab rangoon from my local Chinese restaurant. It was a fried dumpling filled with cheese, without a hint of seafood flavor.

You can click through on the Strava map for some more pictures of St Louis

Anyway back in Brooklyn. Last week I was taking the bus down to the gym and actually missed my stop so I had to walk back a couple of blocks. These two signs were in front of the same house on 7th Avenue around 16th or 17th Street. Really makes me wonder what's going on with their neighbors.   It reminded me that last fall my mother-in-law's cat died. I'm going to share this but if you're reading this keep in mind that I'm an asshole...  Well traveling across Brooklyn all I was thinking about was that this is going to cost me $1,000 because we're going to have to bring the thing to a vet to get cremated and I was looking for alternatives. So I Googled what to do with a dead cat in New York City "In New York City, residents can dispose of deceased pets by placing them in a heavy-duty black bag, labeling it, and putting it out with regular trash on collection day."It was Halloween Eve. All I was thinking about would be what would happen if there was a bag labeled dead cat sitting on a Street in Sheepshead Bay on Halloween. I wanted to park myself on the porch with my camera. Instead we just didn't label the bag. I grew up on that street looking back 40 or 50 years I can't imagine what I would have done if I would have seen a bag on the curb labeled dead cat on Halloween. It would have been horrific.

All right now assign that was significantly less disturbing. Last week I went for a run from my

physical therapy office on 38th Street and 1st Avenue with the intention of running all the way uptown to the Bronx. The path along the East River is still significantly busted up so I had to run up York Avenue for a bit. As I was running on the sidewalk I remembered that I saw a blog about how Avenue A used to continue all the way up to uptown Manhattan. Just when I decided I should look around for the evidence It was right in front of me. On the corner of East 77th Street and York Avenue there's a public school. Without hiring a drone I couldn't take a picture of both the sign that said York Avenue and the etching on the side of the school that said Avenue A.

One more sign. A couple of weeks ago I went to a Met game and after a friend and I decided to get on the seven train and head over to Main Street to find some great dinner. On our way to a great dinner we kind of meandered around and I saw this wall that looked like a great place to pee. For obvious reasons I will not tell you exactly where it was. But it's a good thing this sign was there otherwise I would have peed

and last but not least spray  painted on the side of a wall of a Kentucky Fried Chicken on 2nd Avenue and 14th Street.....   "This is not actually food."   i remember that a bunch of years ago they rebranded themselves and changed their name to KFC. They thought that removing the word fried from there brand would increase sales. They put it back because it turned out the people who buy that shit don't care. it was not there back in May when Google took the pictures
I need to add one more photo I took upon landing at O'Hare Airport in Chicago. I truly believe an entire comedy routine could be based upon this picture. Let me rephrase that. Not one comedy routine.  If I were teaching a class in comedy i would send this picture to all my students before the first day of class and ask them all to have a 5 minute skit prepared based on this photograph.Maybe a combination of this photograph and the free speech booth that I saw in St Louis

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