Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Took the Wife and Kids Ice Skating at Rockerfeller Center

It was a really pleasant 3 hour wait for the 55 minutes of what was left of the session. But I am not complaining. It was cold and the kids were gonna be hungry if there was much more skating. It only cost $44 for the wife and kids to skate and there was a corner of a bench for them take turns using to get their skates on.

It was kinda crowded... A little bit. The human gridlock was made worse by the fact that most people were standing in the middle of the sidewalk and staring up, into the air.

There is a real Yin/Yang to the Ice Skating Rink at Rockefeller Center

It is really peaty, but I wonder what the hole looks like in Indiana where all the limestone came from.

On one hand there is ice skating itself which seams really natural and outdoorsy but requires lots of refrigerant to make it work.

We were outside, but only kinda there were skyscrapers in every direction. I don't think the wind gets to the rink.
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The buildings were decorated with very pretty ornaments that were killed just for the occasion.

The tree was held up by cables.

All this was fine but there were 2 little things that really bothered me. The rink's website offers no clue as to how long the line will be and all the phone numbers are ONLY answered by machines. There was no way to talk to a human being at the ice rink. Also, we stood on line for 3 hours; a no time were we able to find someone who could tell us if we were actually going to get in to skate. It was all OK, the place exists for tourists. Now we can say "been there, did that" and enjoy life.

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1 comment:

  1. Chicken...
    that is nuts. $44?! I know it's for several people but I find that that pricey.

    Glad you actually got to skate, though....but I too would prefer not paying or paying for an unlimited amount of time.

    at least you got a story out of it!
    cheers, k


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