Tuesday, July 28, 2009

DDC Day 14: Brooklyn Bridge Park

We were gonna go to the Red Hook Pool, but just before we left I checkout out a local blogger. I noticed that Mcbrooklyn liked some new art at Brooklyn Bridge Park. We changed our plans. The Girl even said "Can we bring our scooters?" Why not, we jumped on the 2 Train for 5 stops and scooted down the promenade.

This is the view as they scooted towards the park. While we were in the playground the kids got to do some "acting" in a student film. Maybe I will be able to upload some video.

The perfect playground needs only two things, a sandbox and a sprinkler. This one came with an assume view.

Then the kids wanted to throw rocks in the East River.

and then they scooted in the saved from demolition Tobacco Warehouse

This is a less common view of the Brooklyn Bridge

I could not help but to take a photo of a man taking a photo of a women drawing the Brooklyn Bridge through an old hole in a wall.


You do not have to be nice!

This is not me

This is not me
Not me.

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