Monday, October 12, 2009

A Zoo with a Parade in the Background

We went to the Central Park Zoo today. I guess most zoos are in the middle of a giant parking lot. We don't have that (luxury?) in NYC. The Children's Zoo is right along 5th Ave.

Today Happened to be Columbus Day. So right outside the zoo there was a parade. That is it in the picture. Nobody is watching.

It was kinda surreal hanging out a petting zoo with background music of recorded Italian pop songs and marching bands playing Italian polkas.

When the kids were in the bathroom I noticed this sign. It appeares as if the people who run the Central Park Zoo are trying to go green. Get a little sustainable.

Maybe they should stop selling bottled water and get the drinking fountains to work properly.

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  1. "Maybe they should stop selling bottled water and get the drinking fountains to work properly."

    No doubt, but that would require effort.

  2. Not so much effort. But it would offend their "partner".


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