Saturday, May 7, 2011

My daughter is a little over 11 years old

Last Sunday I took my son to Luna Park with 4 of his friends, today I took his twin sister and her 5 bffs.

They actually had more guts than they boys.  They all got on the Electro Spin..

Also today I got to noticed how well maintained Luna Park is.  There was no litter, the bathrooms were clean and all the paint was fresh.  It hardly made me miss the old Astroland.  At Astroland most of the rides had wheels.  At Luna Park they are all bolted down.  At Astroland the staff seamed peaty much hung over.  The staff at Luna Park were uniformed and trained.  They even enforced the no smoking law / policy.

The girls had a really good time.  I don't want this to sound like I am complaining about the price tag.  $30 for a 4 hour wrist band is a fair price.  However I would have rather paid $20 for a 2 hour wrist band.  4 hours was a long time.

While I am getting into Luna Park's business, I got some more advice.  I was there on two beautiful days and they did not have a big crowd.  There were lots of tourists (Believe me, I know a tourist from a New Yorker.) Many of them just came to take photos, they did not buy any ride tickets.

There could have been a lot more locals there.  If Luna Park should have partnered up with the Dept of Ed. They could have gotten a coupon into every school's kids hand offering them some sort of deal.  Buy 2 get one free would have gotten lots of families there.

Or maybe a Groupon.

Just Sayin.

1 comment:

  1. Very good ideas. They should listen to you. Have you written to them?
    Meanwhile, I'm glad the girls had a good time, and I'm not surprised they're as brave as the boys. At that age, girls are more mature than boys, even their twin brothers.
    Just sayin' — LOL
    Congratulations to both twins — sounds like they had great birthday parties and they probably already know they have a great dad.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel


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