But I don't know. Taken the kids to A LOT of mini golf over the past few years and this was a little overrated.
Yea, it has "great water views". (That is Jersey City on the other side of the fence, just past the Hudson River)
If you turn the other way you can see the half built World Trade Center. (I am sorry, but if I see one more bumper sticker that says "Never Forget" I am gonna smack a car. I just don't want to think about what happened almost 10 years ago every day) (Sorry.)
But all it had was views. The first 9 holes were all the same and after that only 2 or 3 of them were interesting or challenging. There was also a complete lack of shade. I guess I was hot and depressed but I don't want to go back there for mini golf. Or, maybe I have become a mini golf snob.
The kids were also a little cranky because the promised ice cream was not there. Everything melted in the Shack Shack because of the hurricane that past over it 2 days ago. I told the kids how much worse it could have been and got them some Good Humor in a deli and they cheered up.
Or you can make it a project.
I got the kids to look for the penny that was "heads"
They did not find one, but the process was wonderful. They really explored the art and the park.
It is not the finding, but the looking that is fun.
In an interview in the Downtown Express, with Abby Ehrlich, director Rockefeller Park programming, said "“Tom [Otterness] has said that pennies are on the ground in this piece because they’ve been devalued,” Ehrlich commented. “When people drop them, they don’t always pick them up anymore. But there isn’t a single meaning to anything here. There’s a lot of playfulness and things to explore that might provoke thought if you give them time.”
Yes, for the kids it was pure fun.
The combination of ice cream, shade and the hunt for the penny that was not there all rinsed out the stress caused by the little balls, clubs and holes.
Rinsed, yes. They literally rinsed their feet.
On my regular runs around the Battery, I often zip through this park. It will never be the same again.
Then we continued downtown for some more active fun in West Thames Park. It has both climbing and bouncing things as well as sand and water. But the real attraction is the peddle powered carousel.
My boy organized all the little kids. He kept it moving at just the right speed for the littlest kid on the ride.
He actually gave everyone a HI 5 when it was time to go.
Alas, I can only bring him there.
I found a place in DC, thanks to my friend Megan, where there is indoor mini-golf. In a bar. Said bar also has table-top shuffle board.
ReplyDeleteSo, where should an auto-less New Yorker go? Tell us oh wise one!
ReplyDeleteOh Matt. Battery Park and Riverside Park are defiantly worth the trip.
ReplyDeleteThe kids had fun playing mini golf on Pier 25. I just would have preferred a shady day.