Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy Birthday BAM

The Atlantic Ave /Pacific St Subway is the second  busiest in Brooklyn.  It is one (or two) stops from my house.  It is under One Hanson Place, a building is the tallest building in Brooklyn and was built to be all dental offices (I had my braces put on there)  It is also the station my kids will get off when they take the train to school.  It is under the new Atlantic Yards, the Long Island Rail Road and the mall that did not save Brooklyn.

But for the purposes of this blog I would like to point out that it is the station that one would get off at to go to BAM

Back when it was called The Brooklyn Academy of Music.  I saw my first concert at the there.  Chuck Berry performed there just after getting out of prison in 1979.  I bought the tickets the day of the show and sat in the third row of a huge beautiful auditorium.  Halfway through the show he looked out at the audience and realized that there were only a hundred people in a room that would hold thousands.  He brought us all on stage and thought us how to "duckwalk"  Hail, Hail Rock and Roll!
There is still some old, permanent art
down there

But now it is BAM and they are celebrating their 150th birthday.  Below are the ads they placed in the Atlantic-Pacific Station.......  


Click here for much better photos of the ads.

and tune back in a few days for photos that I took when I got where I was going.


  1. Hi! I really enjoy how you tell what eat place means to you--where you got your braces and the Chuck Berry concert. That was very interesting!

    :-) Marion

  2. I agree the BAM ads are beautiful visually, but the tag line reminds me too much of the old joke: "I was standing in the park, wondering why the Frisbee was getting bigger, and then it hit me."


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