Monday, November 7, 2011

When it hurts all over you might as well get your ego massaged.

So I put on my medal and went to Columbus Circle.
Nothing like countless total strangers walking by and saying congratulations.
The Columbus Circle Subway Station is all decked out in Ads for a Running Shoe Company.  They were one of the sponsors of the NYC Marathon.  I would mention their name but I can't remember it.  Come to think of it I have no idea what brand of shoe I ran the marathon in.

A  lot of other Marathoners came to look at the ads.  I actually got some high fives from other people wearing their medals.

 These ads are nice for the 1% of us..  For the rest they are just shiny walls.

On one wall the names of all the registered runners were printed  really tiny.

They had a series of screens that showed Ryan Hall running by.  His pace per mile in a 26.2 mile marathon is 4:46.  That means he averages a sub 5 minute mile for 26 miles.

At my best (15 years ago) I made a huge effort to run 90 second quarters in a track work out. I did 10 90 second quarters  with a 90 second break in between.  I though I was gonna die.

In the NYC Marathon Ryan Hall (and a few others) ran 105 consecutive  quarter miles faster than I could have ever run one.

There were more ads...

Don't Mistake I did it for I'm done.

Ah, that new person smell

First you feel like dying.  Then you feel reborn

I just go up and looked.  My last pair of running shoes were. Saucany.  But my previous shoes were Asics.


  1. Congrats! It's a tradition of mine to wear my medal the entire day I get it.

  2. I am so proud of you,
    xo, Mom

  3. congratulations, Chicken! woohoo! you must feel great?!!!

    I have to say I watch the marathon now much more for the masses of runners who are running for the sheer joy of it, than for the front runners. Watching runners slap high fives with the kids is great.

    The runners re-affirm to us that yes, we're mere mortals, but we as humans can accomplish great things.

  4. Look I got some famousousity


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