Anarchy: absence of government b: a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority c: a Utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government
I was after 9Am and I went for a run. Cars were zooming around the Park so I decided to run on the pedestrian paths. On the long meadow there were many off leash dogs and piles of garbage. So I ran on the sidewalk out side the Park. There were bikes on the sidewalk.
I can't really blame people for
Anyway, on my second loop around the Park, the cars were barricaded, dogs leashed and the Park was (mostly) squeaky clean.
But this seance of I can do what ever I want because nobody is telling me not to leads to greater lawlessness.
Nobody is stopping people from stripping cars on Prospect Park West
I vote for a little law and order. Lets start with the easy stuff
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