It was just me and the boy today so we got some lunch to go and took our bikes to Prospect Park. We got some smoothies at the Audubon
Then to the Zoo. My frog-boy son posed for this then he took this picture.
Later he was looking at the cotton-topped tamarins and some tourist asked me "Why are there so many Orthodox Jews here", Like he assumed I would know. I told him, "I don't know, why are there not so many not Orthodox Jews here."
After the Zoo we stopped at the Leffert's Homestead. In front they had a wagon, (the type that used to be pulled by a horse). The boy got involved in a gigantic game of "pirate" with a whole bunch of kids. Many of them were Orthodox Jews. On the ride home my son asked me the same question the tourist asked me. But my answer was different. I said ,"Why don't you ask one?"
This could get interesting....
The answer is a "because it is Sunday" LOL