Monday, November 30, 2009

I was forced to endure this ad

Earlier this weekend I spent $55.50 to take my kids and a friend to the movies.  That was a serious chunk of change.

I was forced to endure this ad.  Forced.  Yes Forced.   We were waiting for the movie to start.  I was not like we were home and could get up and leave.  It is a movie theater; you sit in your seat and face forward.

So I am entitled to give my opinion.

You do not get any more reality from sitting behind the wheel of a car than you do watching TV.  

You don't get out by driving a car.  All you get is more traffic.


  1. Yes, there are other ways to get out, but, one of them is by driving and going out in your car. I mean, I know you have this hatred towards cars and driving, but, it is a means of getting out.

    I know what you mean about the ads though, took William to the movies yesterday and had to sit through 15 minutes of ads, commercials, etc. before the actual movie started. I don't even know why I bother being on time for a "1:15" movie because they don't even come close to starting then.

  2. still no TV in my house, and I dont' drive that much

  3. Denise. I don't hate cars (they are inanimate objects). But I do hate the fact that massive amount of profit are derived from the marketing of a product and making people think that driving = freedom or driving = exercise or driving = getting back to nature or driving = love.

  4. This kinda ad campaign exists to make people think that they will be petter if they "ride". It could also be for playing on the Wii, or looking at porn. To me they are all the same. It does not make you a better person nor does it contain human interaction.

    That is why I don't like it.

  5. All the ad said was "get out", I don't remember it saying anything about human interaction or a better person, lol

  6. oh, and not sure abotu anyone else, but usually when I drive, it is go to interact with other humans or do something socially and humanly interactive (go visit relatives, go to a museum or zoo, etc.)

  7. Ha, well said. There is little difference in watching from a truck or on a sofa.

  8. But Denise the ad is about driving for the sake of driving itself. Even if you are not gonna buy (any) car the kids that see this get the image that driving can improve your life.

    Just saying.

  9. Umm, yeah, to a certain extent, driving can improve your life. Driving can take you places (yeah, I know there are other ways to get places, but still). When I was a kid, we drove cross country, I got to see some amazing sites, meet great people, go to wonderful museums, yeah, I think it imporved my life some.

  10. But, owning a certain type of car, no, that does not improve your life

  11. What a weird commercial? You'd think it was about tvs, rather than a jeep (I had the sound turned low, so I'm not sure what they were saying).

    Mark had one of his commercials on the big screen a while ago (Jet Blue) and he was so excited. I can understand though, as a viewer, how annoying it is to be a passive audience.

    Expensive date!


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